on stillness and pilgrims of the night

Stillness reigns in these long hours before dawn, the moon a sliver and gone so soon it might not have come at all for the weary or slumbering. We had …

on tbt – grandfathers and kites

They were plain sharecroppers who helped to raise me in my early years, teaching me valuable lessons like how to build kites every spring, how to sip Folger’s from a …

on tbt – parents for all seasons

I can shoe a horse, milk a cow, drive a tractor, and move a sunbathing rattlesnake off an asphalt highway so the next car won’t hit him on purpose. The …

on the moon being storied

As the moon began its slow walk up the sky last night, on its way to that next storied meeting, I stood and stared with eyes and camera not up …

on signs and regrets

Today’s sign of my misspent career? Honeybees flock now to every pan of standing water on the place, thirsty and willing to trade existence for a sip of this liquid …

on being marooned in being

Terrified of success and failure alike, paralyzed by my own steely will and decades of incessant effort (the bane of true being, I now must admit), I recently realized two …

on mistakes and April

9 April 2014. Thirty-seven years ago today, I made the first of three great mistakes in my life. Twenty-three years ago this month, I made the second. Fifteen years ago …

on tbt – a puddle of pals

And so it was, in December 0f ’96, our very own version of a murther of crows, gaggle of geese, and so on. A puddle of pals, slough of sibs, …

on aging in now

Part of every working day now is devoted to recording songs and stories and photos and home movies for my granddaughter and my children. The rest is devoted to writing …